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A music player will open a window in your computer and play this file. If not you may have to download it and play it, by right-clicking on the link and choosing "save link as" or "save target as"

Please note: all songs on this site are for private use ONLY and are not to be distributed in any fashion. All copyrights are the property of the the respective composer and/or recording artist.


Namasté, and Welcome

Vedanata Centre Temple, Cohasset, MA is a website where Vedanta Centre ashram musicians can listen to and download songs to learn them for performance at services.

If you are one of our musicians you will be emailed a link to the music file section of the website.

Please do not share or distribute these songs with people outside of the ashramas. Some of the songs may not be copyrighted (properly), and many actually belong to musicians who are not part of our ashramas. Also, most of these songs will be rough drafts and are not suitable for any kind of distribution.


Most of these lyric and chord charts are MS Word documents. They should open successfully on ANY computer. There may be a few here that are JPG image files. These will not open in a text editor, but will open in your image preview program, or a new web browser window.




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